Darfur: The Road from Humanitarian Crisis Response to the Resilience Era
Fuel-efficient cookstovesmay relieve Darfur’s suffering.A “simple” ideais making a difference to vulnerable people in a region threatened by political violence and climate crisis.Darfur offers a laboratory to test the success of the humanitarian response. Despite …

Multiple Chronic Conditions: The Real National Emergency Calls for Bipartisan Resolve
The health, economic, and social burdens of chronic diseases loom large. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are protracted conditions which are not transmitted person-to-person or animal or host to a human being. They include cardiovascular and chronic …

Establishing a Measurement System for Organizational Self-Reliance
Organizations in the Journey to Self-Reliance Self-reliance is a cornerstone of the United States’ culture and self-conception. The nation’s founders were avid advocates of Britain’s Adam Smith, France’s Jean Jacques Rousseau, and other contemporary liberal …

What Social Impact Actors Want to See: An Overview
During my career, I have viewed the world from the highest windows and deepest trenches, literally and metaphorically. I have seen it served by the best intentions, fullest energies, and strategic efforts. But I have …

Calling for a New Socioeconomic Contract in the Wake of COVID-19
Introduction: Understanding the Idea of the Social Contract The question of how to reconcile individual freedoms with political sovereignty has plagued humankind for centuries. Throughout the Enlightenment period, which spanned the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, …

How Does Systemic Racism Relate to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
George Floyd―the American Conscious Awakening Roadmap In recent months, COVID-19 has devastated the globe. But not all communities have borne the brunt of the pandemic equally. Aside from elderly individuals concentrated in retirement homes and …

Post-pandemic politics will determine economic recovery: expectations vs. reality
That the world will emerge economically battered from the COVID-19 pandemic is not in doubt. “The lockdown will directly affect sectors amounting to up to one-third of GDP in the major economies. For each month …

Reckoning With the COVID-19 Crisis
The ‘Chimera’ That Changed Human Social Norms In part II of my COVID-19 series, I hope to explore, share, and start a conversation on the nature and dimensions of the current seismic shifts. This means …

Coronavirus: Is not Armageddon or the Apocalypse, But Globalization Fragility Test.
Over 84,000 reported cases, over 3,000 reported deaths, and infected people on all continents — the coronavirus (COVID-19) remains a rapidly spreading threat since its first reported incidents in December 2019. Possibly two years away …

Safeguard Every Dollar: towards a framework linking goodwill and the value for money
Generous donors respond repeatedly to local and international pleas for support following natural catastrophes. They finance unresolved issues — relieving poverty, saving lives, reducing child and maternal mortality among the marginalized and disenfranchised. They also …

Agile and Design Thinking: A fluid solution for insolvable world problems
Solutions are at a premium. Calamitous wars, corrupt governments, and political extremism consume lives and resources despite world outcries. Millions suffer physical and mental trauma arising from inequalities in food distribution, living wages, and healthcare …

Reducing Maternal Mortality in Sudan: a hybrid framework
Sudan has been categorized as a humanitarian emergency for decades. Since its independence in 1956, Sudan has experienced the protracted trauma of armed conflict, political instability, and natural disasters. Living with geopolitical turmoil at each …

Please Let Me Die: Each Life Matters Versus Value for Money
The good news is more people are living longer. Reducing maternal and infant mortality has increased populations while advanced healthcare solutions prolong life. The bad news is the world is not prepared.National interests have yet …