Asaad Taha

Asaad Taha

Top 20 WGNS Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

1. Del Walmsley Radio Show Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States About Podcast Our mission is to teach our members how to supplement or replace their earned income with passive income; thereby reducing their dependence on jobs, pensions, social security, and savings…

Top 20 UK Fashion Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

1. The Business of Fashion Podcast London, England, United Kingdom About Podcast The Business of Fashion has gained a global following as an essential daily resource for fashion creatives, executives and entrepreneurs in over 200 countries. It is frequently described…

What Social Impact Actors Want to See: An Overview

During my career, I have viewed the world from the highest windows and deepest trenches, literally and metaphorically. I have seen it served by the best intentions, fullest energies, and strategic efforts. But I have also seen those attempts repeatedly…

Calling for a New Socioeconomic Contract in the Wake of COVID-19

Introduction: Understanding the Idea of the Social Contract The question of how to reconcile individual freedoms with political sovereignty has plagued humankind for centuries. Throughout the Enlightenment period, which spanned the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, political and moral thinkers strove…