Asaad Taha

Asaad Taha

Coca-Cola Amatil commits to renewable energy future

Coca-Cola Amatil has joined the global RE100 renewable energy initiative and will power its entire operations — spanning six countries — with 100% renewable electricity by 2030. Operations in Australia and New Zealand are anticipated to be 100% renewable by…

6 New Rules for the Digital Age

EVERY NOW AND THEN, a book comes along to give you the insights you need to see and understand the world you live in and how to thrive in it. Rethinking Competitive Advantage: New Rules for the Digital Age by…

US: Congress Advances Slavery Reparations Bill

Click to expand Image A sculpture of African slaves by Ghanaian artist, Kwame Akoto-Bamfo, at the beginning of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama. © Dreisen Heath/Human Rights Watch (Washington, DC) – The US Congress will…

The Sullivan Model

Jake Sullivan, Biden’s “once-in-a-generation intellect,” is facing a once-in-a-generation challenge. Source link

Lead from the Future

THERE is present-forward vision, and there is future-back vision. There is a difference. Present-forward thinking will get you incremental change and often leaves you stuck in the present. Future-back thinking expands your horizon to see opportunities that are beyond your…

The sustainability initiative helping local wineries save

Seeing countless wine box dividers going into paper recycling every month, Dan Murphy’s Mornington East Wine Merchant Michael Zitzlaff thought there must be a way to reuse them. Many local, boutique Mornington Peninsula winemakers deliver their wines directly to Dan…