Asaad Taha

Asaad Taha

Time for climate action

US President Biden has invited 40 world leaders (including Scott Morrison) to the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, which is being live streamed tonight. The summit has been designed to underscore the urgency — and the economic benefits — of…

Before You Open a Business…

I’VE MET MANY business founders in my life and they vary on almost every possible measure: race, gender, background, temperament, schooling, and intelligence (in all its forms). I certainly observe patterns among them, but they all share one and only…

Maldives Advances Media Freedom, But Long Way to Go

Click to expand Image Relatives of disappeared Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla hold a silent protest during International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances in Colombo, Sri Lanka, August 28, 2018.  © 2018 AP Photo/Eranga Jayawardena After years of ignominy…

Workplace waste generation underestimated

Contrary to what half of Australians believe, households do not create more waste than the business sector, reveals new research commissioned by Planet Ark. The research found that 47% of people want to make changes to increase recycling rates at…

What You Do Is Who You Are

IT HAS BEEN SAID that culture is the most important thing because it determines how your company makes decisions when you’re not there. This led Ben Horowitz to ask, how do you create and sustain the culture you want? He…